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Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Mother, My angel

One day there was an important conversation early in the life of a baby. Before he was ready to be born into the world. He asked God: "The angels here say that tomorrow you are  sending me to the world, but how do I live there, I was so small and weak"?

And God said, "I have chosen one angel for you. He will" But here, in heaven, whatever I do  is sing and laugh. This was enough for me to be happy. "

"Your angel will sing and smile for you every day. And  you will feel the warmth of his love and be happier. "
And how can I understand when people talk to me if I do not understand their language? "
"Your angel will speak to you with the most beautiful language that you've ever heard, and with great patience and attention, he will teach you how you speak "
"And what will I do when I want to talk to?" 
"Your angel will teach you how to pray." "I heard that on Earth there are bad men. Who will protect me?"
Your angel will protect you, even though it may be life-threatening. "
"But, I would certainly feel sad not to see you again."    "Your angel will tell you about Me, and will teach you how to get back to me, though verily  I will always be at your side."

At that time Heaven is so quiet that the sound came from the Earth, and the  boy asked softly, "Lord, if I must go now, can you tell me my angel's name?

"You will call your angel, Mother."

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