New Update

Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

BlackBerry outperform Android and Apple

YouTube - can not be denied on the ground water gadget competition getting tougherCall it rivalry between smart phones based on Android, Apple, and BlackBerry. The third sale of smart phone competition is also seen in the international CommunicationExpo & Conference (ICC), JCC, Senayan, Jakarta, which ended Sunday, June 12, 2011.

Seen in the exhibition, booth sales of the Blackberry more than her competitors.Because, not only the official booth Blackberry, other booths were competing to sell this smart phone. Most of the crowd centered on the booth.

Not just looking for a cheap blackberry, but also tried the Blackberry Playbook, the  testalerts from the rim. Meanwhile, the masses who seek to pursue more Android productssuch as tablets cheap booth Nexian. It looks like Android  phones overshadowed fromthe start Android tablet PCs dominate the market the gadget.

In fact, local production of mobile phones to outside brands that use the Androidoperating system is priced at a relatively cheap and spread throughout the exhibition.

Different again with sales of Apple products. There are several booths that sellAmerican products, but they have limited stock sales. In fact, products that are currentlymuch sought after as the iPad and iPhone4 difficult to obtain.

"I come here want to find the iPad, but also want to compare with other tablets. My choice still remains the iPad, but had been around the Apple booth others still out, "said one visitor.

Competition is likely to continue to bloom. Moreover, the Blackberry has dared to launch a tablet PC Balckberry Playbook amid intense competition and apple android-basedtablets. Then, who will rule the gadget market?

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